Saturday, December 5, 2009

Romeo and Juliet essay


Romeo and Juliet have both individual goals and a combined goal in the quest of their love. Romeo’s goal is to find love and Juliet's goal is to be the master of her own fate. Romeo and Juliet both have the goal of being together.

Romeo is a character who is obsessed with love. His love of Rosaline is futile and childish yet he still pursued her to a point of self hurt. This is because he badly wanted to have love. Eventually, he met Juliet and found the love he was looking for. Love for Juliet, who is a Capulet, went against everything he was taught by his family; the Montagues and Capulets were sworn enemies. Simply loving someone was not enough for Romeo, he needed to be loved back. Juliet loved Romeo. Romeo was willing to do anything to protect this love. He lived for one person and that was Juliet. When Romeo heard that Juliet died he went to her tomb to join her because he could not live without her. Romeo found love that was so strong it was worth dying for.

In the story, Juliet’s parents arranged a marriage for her to Paris, a man she barely knew. Juliet did not want to marry Paris. She stated to her mother, “It is an honor I barely dream of.” This didn’t mean she did not think about marriage it means that she did not want to be married to someone without it being her decision. Romeo initiated their relationship and when they were together and Romeo did the majority of the speaking. However Juliet made Romeo profess his love for her and it is she who proposes marriage. She wants more than just a choice of who to marry, she also wants the decision of marriage to be hers. After Romeo and Juliet are secretly married Lord Capulet tries to force Juliet to marry Paris. To avoid this marriage, which is not one of her choosing, Juliet fakes her own death. Juliet and Friar Lawrence have an elaborate plan to reunite her and Romeo. This plan failed and Romeo killed himself at Juliet’s grave. So when Friar Lawrence found Juliet in the tomb he insisted that Juliet hide away in a convent as a nun. Life as a nun would have been too restrictive for Juliet and she has also made the decision to be with her lover Romeo so she killed herself. The choice of suicide is referred to as playing god. By playing god Juliet becomes the true master of her destiny.

When Romeo and Juliet met each other in the Capulet garden they decided to get married. Even though they were from feuding households nothing could keep them apart. When Romeo murdered one of Juliet’s kinsmen she still wanted to be with Romeo. When Romeo died, Juliet’s attraction to Romeo is so strong she killed herself because life is too much to bear without Romeo.

Romeo and Juliet both die but they both succeed in their quest. Romeo found the love he wanted with Juliet. The love he found was so powerful that he died for it. Juliet is not forced into marrying against her will. She determined her own fate with the blade of a dagger. Both Romeo and Juliet died together. Today their names are synonymous the tale of Romeo and Juliet will never be forgotten. Their methods of obtaining the goals were quite extreme and resulted in their deaths.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Revised essay

2) Explore why reactions to the novel The Grapes of Wrath have been so wide ranging.

When a book makes a harsh statement about society there will always be controversy. The Grapes of Wrath is no exception. Upon its release it was banned in school districts across the United States. Yet John Steinbeck received the Pulitzer Prize for his book.

The reason the book was banned was because it contained obscenities. The 1930’s was a more conservative time and swearing in movies and books was very rare. Along with the profanities, the book contained a few sexual references, which was also offensive to the public.

Ranchers in California claimed that the book was full of lies. They also contended that the plight of migrants was not as bad as Steinbeck portrayed. However life was miserable for the Okies, hundreds of thousands of people migrated to California and many of them starved. The ranch owners were cruel; most of the migrant workers were paid about one dollar a day for hard labor. The characters in the novel were fictional people but John Steinbeck based their experiences on research he had done in migrant camps. The book claimed to expose the ranchers for what they really were so they called The Grapes of Wrath obscene and even Communist propaganda.

A congressman from Oklahoma defamed the book calling it despicable and profane. He could not accept that fellow Oklahomans could suffer so greatly and he simply chose not to believe it. Willful ignorance and denial are common reactions to shocking problems.

The book was obviously praised by many. The fact that the Steinbeck won the Pulitzer Prize for the novel shows that many people saw merit in Steinbeck’s work. They were able to see that the book offered much more than profanity and inappropriate situations. They saw the book’s true value as a powerful portrayal of the endurance of the human spirit, the bond of family, and the plight of society’s oppressed and down-trodden.

John Steinbeck in the Grapes of Wrath stirred up a lot of controversy. It said a lot of negative things about ranch owners in California. The ranchers in turn denigrated the book by saying that it was full of lies. The story was brutally honest about the situation that the Okies faced. Some found this profane and others outright denied the facts of the book because it was too much for them to accept. There were those who saw beyond the controversy. They saw that the book was about life and the human condition.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Who is responsible for Mercutio's death?

Mercutio’s death was the fault of none other that Mercutio himself. Mercutio did not have to fight Tybalt; Mercutio willingly chose to fight Tybalt. From the beginning of the scene we can see that Merctutio has some “beef” with Tybalt. When Tybalt shows up Mercutio begins to argue with him. The altercation becomes quite heated and Mercutio makes violent threats against Tybalt and even draws his sword. It is obvious that Mercutio wants to fight. If Romeo hadn’t showed up then there would most likely have been a fight most. It is argued that because Romeo interfered with the fight he is to blame for Mercutio’s death. It is unfair to blame Romeo for this since all Romeo was trying to protect his friend.


Tybalt Bocephus Capulet 24, died last Monday when a sword was rammed, pointy end first, through his trachea. His entombment will take place 9:00 in the morning on Wednesday.

Tybalt was a beloved Capulet known to friend and foe alike as the King of Cats. Though sometimes considered hot-tempered he was a generous man, freely dispensing death to all Montagues. In one final instance his generosity overflowed and he was kind enough to slash Mercutio. This act of charity caused Romeo Wendell Montague to return the favor. He is survived by his Uncle, Lord Zebulon Capulet, and Aunt, Lady Irlene Capulet. Tybalt will always be remembered for his generous spirit and as man who did not need a quick wit because his sword was quicker.

Sunday, November 8, 2009



“fruit picking slaves”

Come to California!



The more desperate your situation, the more likely you are to get a job!

If you work for us, you won't worry about income tax because 20 cents a day that I pay you is lower than the allowance I give my son!

Ethan Mitra and Joy Lee

Monday, November 2, 2009

Satirical Essay

Satirical Essay

Why am I a “racist?" Well first off I don’t think that this is a fair term to use when you refer to me. It has so many negative connotations. If someone is called a racist, bigot, or xenophobe, then others will unfairly judge him even though they don’t know anything about him. I am not a racist but rather a race lover--I love my race more than others.

If you had siblings to whom were close and with whom you had much in common then you would be more likely to associate with them rather than with outsiders. Now if some stranger tried to be familiar with your family you would be taken aback. You would think, “Doesn’t this guy have his own family he can bother?" or "Geez this guy is so repulsive that even his own family can’t stand him, why should we try?" This is my loving view of the other races.

How did I become a race lover? It is really quite simple: all it takes is for you to see things from my point of view. That is if people of your ethnicity are capable of such complicated thought processes. If you knew you were better than everyone else why on earth would you want to spend time with anyone else? It’s like this: you have the choice between a fancy turkey dinner or fried rat. What do you choose? Obviously you chose the turkey dinner because it is better. It’s human nature to choose what is better. So it is human nature for me to be a race lover. How could someone be so arrogant as to ask me to go against my human nature.

I’m under the impression that people are made different for a reason. Why else would there be so many different colors of people if we weren’t supposed to be separate? As humans we often organize things into groups based on their shapes or color. So what is so wrong about organizing ourselves into categories based on color?

I love my race in fact I am downright proud of my race. If you were lucky enough to be part of my race then you would be a race lover too, but that would never happen. I don’t know if can truly put into words how proud of my race I am. I mean we invented peanut butter. I just want to end this piece with this line: “All Hail the Black Panther Party!”